Supercharged Daily Notes II (Craft Template)
Keep track of the content you are consuming, filter out important information whether you are a music lover, avid reader or simply enjoy watching movies and shows.
Once upon a time, a human being lived in a world in which he consumed so much information that he will never have time to process...
Stop being starring in this kind of story and start taking notes with our helpful prompts, made just for you!
Most Asked Questions
- What is Craft?
Craft is a tool for creating beautiful documents and notes and sharing your thoughts. Everything you create in Craft can be shared with one tap. Craft supports inline markdown, backlinks, code snippets, images, videos, attaching PDF files, and rich link previews. Craft is available for iPhone, iPad, and Mac (also a web app but still in development).
- What is a Craft Template?
A Craft Template is actually a set of Pre-Crafted note blocks that are designed for Craft. They can be used according to your needs.
- How to set up Templates in Craft?
If you are familiar with Notion templates, you are accustomed to duplicating templates in your Notion workspaces. Unfortunately, this feature is not yet available for Craft. It is therefore necessary to copy the blocks separately and paste them into your Craft documents.
- Can I use these Templates outside of Craft?
Indeed. As these are texts, you can copy and paste them anywhere you want to.
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Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) License.
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